Thursday, November 15, 2012

Patience is not one of my virtues

One thing I need to learn is patience.  It has never been one of my strong points and Lord help me when I have kids.  Now that we've settled on moving, we want it done now.  Looking at homes and trying to get things settled takes time yet I want everything done yesterday.  I think it's because I really dislike being in "limbo".  Part of the problem is that the area where I'm from is changing rapidly.  They have decided to drill for oil in the county and all of the surrounding towns are changing.  Housing is getting harder to find due to prices increasing to take advantage of the oil workers due to demand and housing is scarce to begin with.  I find it all so odd.  Some of these towns are so small that there is only one stop light.  Heck I remember when the stoplight was first installed when I was a kid and that was a BIG deal.  Sadly I'm not joking, there is only one major stoplight in my mom's hometown and the town we're moving to has flashing yellow lights on the main intersection. Now roads are being expanded and hotels are springing up.  In towns where the only place to eat out is the local Dairy Queen and a Mexican restaurant (that may or may not be owned by an extended family member), it's weird to see a La Quinta being built.  Makes me want to take a video camera and start filming a new reality show.  It could be a cross between Black Gold and The Simple Life with a little King of the Hill thrown in.  I could call it Roughneck in the Country. Then again, maybe not...

On another note, I've meant to write a few more posts but I hurt my back.  Up until Sunday I was stuck in bed, flat on my back where even breathing hurt.  Thank goodness I can move again, there is only so much daytime TV and Netflix a person can take.


Monday, November 5, 2012


For the longest time people have suggested to me that I start a blog, though I'm not really sure why.  I really don't think that my life is that interesting, actually it's pretty boring to be honest.  I think it might have to do with my sense of humor.  I had one co-worker/friend try to convince me to try stand up comedy.  He was strongly rebuffed!  What made me change my mind is in one word changes. 

Many things have happened this past year that have accumulated into a life altering decision.  The final one is my grandfather's health.  After a long hard look at things, my mother and I have decided to move "back home".  Since she had retired and I'm currently at a crossroads, we are doing something we swore we'd never do, move from Austin to a small Texas town.  I've have lived here half my life, and almost all of my adult life (excepting that year after I graduated from college).  Sometimes life has a funny way of throwing curve-balls.  I should know better than to never say never because it always has a way of biting you in the arse . Moving from a large city to a town with about 1800 people is a big change. 

This blog will be my little spot on the interwebs to laugh and hopefully laugh some more.  I will say that this blog will be a little bit of this and a little bit of that in that I'm not setting out to write a "specific type" of blog.  You will probably find everything from recipes to crafts to movie reviews to who knows what else.  If people read it and enjoy it great.  If no one reads it, well that would kind of suck but it's life and I'll get over it.  In choosing a title for this blog, the first thing that came to mind was Alice in Wonderland for some odd reason.  Given that when I was younger the "Big City" was like an odd Wonderland for me.  It is a place I will greatly miss and dream of, but hopefully will one day return.  So hear goes the start of something interesting...